Langur Monkey at Bardia National Park, Nepal


The langur monkey, scientifically known as the Hanuman langur or Gray langur, is a species of monkey found in Nepal. Here are some facts about langur monkeys in Nepal:

  1. Species and Distribution: Langur monkeys in Nepal belong to the species Semnopithecus entellus, commonly known as the Hanuman langur or Gray langur. They are found in various regions of Nepal, including lowland forests, hilly areas, and the Terai region.
  2. Appearance: Hanuman langurs have a distinct appearance with long limbs and a long tail. They have gray to light brown fur, which varies in color depending on the subspecies. Some langurs have a black face, while others have a pale or light-colored face.
  3. Social Structure: Langurs live in groups called troops, which can consist of several individuals. The troops are typically led by a dominant male, and they have a hierarchical social structure. Females within the group tend to stay together throughout their lives, while males may leave the group upon reaching sexual maturity.
  4. Diet: Langur monkeys are primarily herbivorous, feeding on a variety of plant materials. They consume leaves, fruits, flowers, seeds, and sometimes even bark. Their diet may vary depending on the availability of food in their habitat.
  5. Behavior: Langurs are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are agile climbers and spend a significant amount of time in the trees. They use their strong tails for balance while moving through the branches. Langurs are known for their vocalizations, including alarm calls and territorial calls, which help them communicate within the troop.
  6. Conservation Status: The Hanuman langur is listed as a species of least concern on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. However, local populations in certain areas may face threats due to habitat loss, human encroachment, and poaching.
  7. Cultural and Religious Significance: In Nepal, the Hanuman langur holds cultural and religious significance. It is often associated with the Hindu god Hanuman, who is depicted as a monkey deity in Hindu mythology. The monkeys are sometimes considered sacred and are protected in certain religious sites and temples.
  8. Ecological Role: Langur monkeys play an important role in the ecosystem as seed dispersers. As they consume fruits and other plant materials, they spread seeds through their feces, contributing to forest regeneration and the maintenance of plant diversity.
  9. It’s important to note that specific details about langur monkeys in Nepal may vary depending on the region and subspecies.

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